Wednesday, 4 February 2009

D.N.A 2.0

Web 2.0 has taken the world by storm, amongst many features by far the most influential has been the provision of a universal creative platform. No longer do people HAVE to belong to a professional class in order to have their intellectual property produced on mass.

What does this have to do with D.N.A...?

Well I believe pretty much the same thing occurred to human beings when Jesus came and died on the cross, the significant moment being when the bible was translated and mass produced. No longer did people have to rely on what the pope, patriarchs and priests had to say, now they could create and believe that which the Holy Spirit enabled them to. 

What are the implications of this...?

Well... studies have been undertaken by Dr J Neilson, on the effects of web2.0 on people. He illustrated a phenomenon known as the 90-9-1 rule, I was first introduced to this rule by my mentor with reference to Daniel Pink (author: Johnny Bunko). In a nutshell this rule states that 90% of users are spectators/lurkers, 9% sporadic, while most of the input is done by only 1% of users. 

I have witnessed the exact same equation in my day to day life, firstly in the church I attend of about 250-300 members (now pay attention to the figures).
Every Sunday there comes a time during the service where the congregation is given the opportunity to testify of God's goodness in their life. In total during my 3 1/2 years I have personally witnessed about 20-30 people coming up to share, only 2-5 of which have come to the front more than 10 times. One of two conclusions can be drawn from these results
  1. God is only blessing a select few "special" members of the vast congregation
  2. The 90-9-1 rule is in effect! 
Another incident occurs within the basketball team I'm currently coaching, we have a squad of about 20+ players. Approx 6 of these individuals have consistently turned up to every game, training session and meeting we've ever had. And only 2 of them consistently practice and actively engage in the process of self-improvement outside the scheduled training times. This again tells me that the 90-9-1 rule is very much in effect.

So how does this relate to me...? 

well that question is yours to answer, i personally have simply decided to be in the 1% grouping in absolutely everything i do. The greatest challenge has not been the decision itself but the implementation of it thereof. To summarize in three words 
creativity Creativity CREATIVITY 

1 comment:

  1. You are right. I like this post. It shows that very few people are willing to go the extra mile and they are the ones that reap the biggest rewards. I also want to be in that KAIZEN 1% group as well.
