Friday, 30 January 2009


Being a scientist my thinking is supposedly linear logic(beg to differ), nevertheless I shall persist with my scientific knowledge. DNA is the fundamental building block of intelligent life, its main purpose and aim is to conserve important information which is to be passed on from generation to generation. 
The Bible spends a great deal of time and effort painting a picture of peoples ancestry from the get go, recently I discovered a fascinating link between some of the greatest Greek philosophers and Alexander the great conquering half the known world. 
This illustrated to me the importance of knowing your genetic heritage and acknowledging your DNA for what it is, both strengths and weakness's

This here is my DNA

No not OBAMA (although I wouldn't mind) but the dude who made the presentation just so happens to be my mentor. 

Olaojo Aiyegbayo 101

How much of your success can you attribute to your religion?  

 My belief in God plays a great role in my success. I believe that providence and divine intervention is responsible for the opportunities that define a person's destiny. My faith enables me to define my criteria for success and it helps keep me grounded when I am tempted to get chasing the wrong goals and aspirations.   

To what extent would you say your mental state is due to nature or nurture?  

  I ascribe most of my mental state to nurture. My parents are middle class educated folks and provided me the necessary environment and stimulation to become the person I am today. They sent me to good private schools which connected me with peers who further stimulated my thinking as well as quality teachers who inspired me. I have been fortunate that I picked up the love of reading from my parents, which is one of the best mental stimulants available. I am also thankful for the Internet which has made high quality information readily accessible.  

Which people despite your family, would you say had the greatest impact on you growing up?  

  There have been certain friends along the way who have helped refined my thinking, various academic teachers and pastors have shaped my world view and a number of key authors' writings have impacted me. 

What is the secret to your financial health? 

  Exercising discipline has helped me greatly but I admit it is easier said than done. 

What were your aspirations growing up, and if at all why have they changed or not? 

  My greatest aspiration is to make a positive impact in my generation and leave a legacy which my kids can emulate and surpass. This is a broad but consistent vision but it is the means to achieve it that has constantly evolved over the years. The older I become, the more I realise that I can't do everything but need to identify the things that capture my heart and have intrinsic meaning for me because over the long haul, passion is a key ingredient of success. Every day I get to know myself a bit better to make the right choices that will determine my legacy and contribution to my generation. 

Have you engaged in much physical activity in your life and what sport would you consider playing as a professional and why? 

  I am more of a spectator than participant. I did play some football in my younger days and was quite good at it. I would like to play tennis and golf in the future but I find snooker a great indoors game. 

What does the future hold??? 

  Well, I plan to launch Horeb International early 2009. This is a leadership development and consultancy company which aims to help people release the leadership potential within them. I plan to start conducting seminars and producing leadership resources very soon so watch this space. 

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